This is a prototype remake of FSharp.JsonTypeProvider in CSharp, which is used to create JSON data types that can be used to deserialize JSON data at runtime. Usage of this prototype remake is shown in the example code where a `PersonOfInterest_T` record is generated from a JSON string. The generated record contains properties like `Name`, `Age`, `Projects`, `Keys`, and `CurrentProject`. Each property has its own data type that contains additional properties. For example, the `Projects` property is an array of `Projects_T` records where each record contains a `Title` property and a `Value` property that has its own `Estimated` and `Actual` properties. The `Keys` property is an array of decimals, and the `CurrentProject` property is a single `Projects_T` record. This prototype remake is a good tool for developers who work with JSON data and want to easily create data types that can be used to deserialize JSON data in their C# applications.