LoFuUnit is a set of packages that make it convenient for developers to use Local Functions to structure tests with patterns like: `Arrange` / `Act` / `Assert`, `Given` / `When` / `Then`, and `Context` / `Specification`. It also allows developers to use Auto-Mocking Containers to `Mock` / `Fake` / `Stub` dependencies. This JSON structure includes detailed explanations of the various function and features of LoFuUnit, including several examples of how to write tests with various NuGet packages like LoFuUnit.NUnit, LoFuUnit.AutoMoq, LoFuUnit.AutoNSubstitute, and more. There is also a troubleshooting and attribution section for developers. The tiger logo of LoFuUnit is derived from the Cantonese pronunciation [`lou5 fu2`](https://forvo.com/word/%E8%80%81%E8%99%8E/#yue) of *老虎*, meaning tiger in English.