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PL/Rust: A Trusted Procedural Language Handler

PL/Rust is a loadable procedural language that enables writing PostgreSQL functions in Rust programming language. These functions are compiled to native machine code for the best performance, access to Rusts large development ecosystem, and Rusts compile-time safety guarantees. The documentation of PL/Rust is moving to a more user-friendly format. PL/Rust provides access to Postgres Server Programming Interface for dynamic queries, prepared statements, and cursors. It also provides safe Rust types over most of Postgres built-in data types. PL/Rust is a trusted procedural language on x86_64 and aarch64 systems assuming proper compilation requirements. You can install PL/Rust via rustup and follow the installation instructions given in the documentation. Cross compilation, PostgreSQL configuration, Lints and environment variables are also discussed in detail in the documentation.