Tracetest allows you to build integration and end-to-end tests in minutes using OpenTelemetry and trace-based testing. With Tracetest, you can test against real data, assert against response and trace data, assert on timing of trace spans, create wildcard assertions, assert against side-effects in your distributed system, integrate with existing distributed tracing solutions, define multiple test triggers, save and run tests manually and via CI build jobs, verify and analyze the quality of your OpenTelemetry instrumentation, test long-running processes, and build tests visually or programmatically. Tracetest works out of the box with your existing OpenTelemetry instrumentation and supports numerous trace data stores. It also supports multiple ways of creating tests, including HTTP, gRPC, and Postman Collections. You can visualize the changes you are making to your trace as you develop and add assertions based on response data from the trigger request and all trace data contained in the spans of your distributed trace. You can specify which spans to check in assertions using the selector language and define checks against the attributes in these spans. Tracetest allows you to create tests visually in the Tracetest Web UI or programmatically using YAML-based test definition files. You can also use test definition files and the Tracetest CLI to enable Gitops flows and CI/CD automation.