Server-side rendering micro-frontends with Astro
Ruben Casas once said “something that is really hard with micro-frontends is server-side rendering” and Luca Mezzalira recently stated that “server-side rendering is the real challenge”. I tend to agr...
Setting up micro-frontends with Astro and Ecma Script Modules
Luca Mezzalira, perhaps the father of micro-frontends defines micro-frontends as “the technical representation of a business subdomain” that allow independent implementations with the same or differen...
Ideas from A Philosophy of Software Design
Almost a month ago, I created a telegram channel with the goal of reading tech books consistently, and sharing summaries of them. This week, I have finished reading the first book - A Philosophy of So...
Genesis: A Generative and Universal Physics Engine for Robotics and Beyond
Genesis is a revolutionary physics engine developed by a team of researchers led by Zhou Xian. The team consists of multiple contributors from various research institutes and universities. The engine ...
Tauri 2.0 | Tauri
Tauri is a framework for building fast and secure native apps using a combination of Rust and Web technologies. Tauri provides a variety of guides and references for getting started with building appl...
Architectures of modern Front-end applications | Popular approaches and advantages
Business requirements can be different and change frequently in the process, so it’s important to create an architecture that is flexible, scalable and maintainable. It’s also key that everyone, like ...
Architectures of modern Front-end applications
Business requirements can be different and change frequently in the process, so it’s important to create an architecture that is flexible, scalable and maintainable. It’s also key that everyone, like ...
Introducing Astro 5.0 and its new features
Astro 5.0 introduces the Astro Content Layer for managing content from any source, and Server Islands for combining cached, static content with dynamic, personalized content. This latest release also ...
Nested Monads: Composing Monads in Functional Programming
Nested monads enable the composition of monads in such a way that the resulting composition is also a monad. This article explores the concept of nesting monads, discussing how certain monads can be s...
Building an Agent for Data Visualization (Plotly)
Plotly is my favorite data visualization library.
How Atomic Git Commits Increased Productivity
Working with atomic git commits means your commits are of the smallest possible size. Each commit does one, and only one simple thing, that can be summed up in a simple sentence. The amount of code ch...
Optimize Your Astro Sites <head> with astro-capo
Learn how to automatically improve your Astro sites performance using astro-capo. astro-capo categorizes your <head> elements into 11 groups, each with a specific weight and sorts them according...
How Cell-Based Architecture Enhances Modern Distributed Systems
Cell-based architectures increase the resilience of systems by reducing the blast radius of failures. They are a good option for systems where any downtime is considered unacceptable or can significan...
How to Enable Auto-Heal in Azure App Service: Tutorial Guide
This tutorial guide will walk you through the steps to enable Auto-Heal in Azure App Service. From web development to cloud consulting, we offer a wide range of services including WordPress, Shopify, ...
Microsoft.Extensions.AI: Simplifying AI Integration for .NET Partners
Microsoft.Extensions.AI is an innovative .NET library that equips platform developers with a cohesive layer of C# abstractions, simplifying the interaction with AI services such as Large Language Mode...
Welcome to AstroPatterns - A Course on Building Fullstack Applications in Your Browser
AstroPatterns is a course that allows you to practice building fullstack applications directly in your browser without needing to install anything on your computer. The course is based on exercises wh...
ts-rest - RPC-like client and server helpers for a magical end to end typed experience
# ts-rest Incrementally adoptable RPC-like client and server helpers for a magical end to end typed experience 🪄 Join us on Discord for help, feedback, and discussions! ## Introduction ts-rest offer...
Tauri: Framework for Blazingly Fast Desktop Apps with Rust Backend
Tauri is a framework for building tiny, blazingly fast binaries for all major desktop platforms. Developers can integrate any front-end framework that compiles to HTML, JS and CSS for building their u...
The Best Way to Generate Structured Output from LLMs
Industries are eagerly capitalizing on Large Language Models (LLMs) to unlock the potential within their vast reserves of under-utilized unstructured data. Given that up to 80% of the worlds data is s...
Beyond Infrastructure as Code: System Initiative Goes Live
The New Stack is a community of software engineering leaders and developers focused on at-scale software development. By subscribing, youll receive important news and exclusive content delivered to yo...