HomeAssistant - Ring camera setup with homekit integration
Install the ‘Mosquitto broker’ addon from the HomeAssistant addon store.
In ‘Mosquitto broker’ addon ‘info’ tab:
‘Start on boot’ should be ‘ON’
‘Watchdog’ should be ‘ON’
Click ‘Start’
Copy the ‘Hostname’ value
Install ‘Ring-MQTT with Video Streaming’ addon from the HomeAssistant addon store.
In ‘Ring-MQTT with Video Streaming’ addon ‘info’ tab:
‘Start on boot’ should be ‘ON’
‘Watchdog’ should be ‘ON’
Click ‘Start’
Click ‘Open Web UI’ and login with your Ring credentials
In ‘Ring-MQTT with Video Streaming’ addon ‘configuration’ tab:
‘MQTT Broker’ should be ‘mqtt://auto_username:auto_password@[Hostname]:1883’, with ‘[Hostname]’ being the ‘Hostname’ value from the ‘Mosquitto broker’ addon.
Recommended to set a ‘livestream_user’ and ‘livestream_pass’ value.
In ‘Settings/Devices & Service’, you should now see your ring devices under “MQTT”.
Add “Homebridge Kit” integration from the HomeAssistant integrations store.
In ‘Settings/Integrations’
Add you ‘HomePod Mini’.
Configure the ‘HomePod Mini’, now called “HASS Bridge…” to include the ‘domain’ of Camera.
In ‘Notifications’, you should now see your ring devices appear with in a “HomeKit Pairing” card with a QR Code.
Open iOS ‘Home’ app and add a new accessory.
Scan the QR Code.
You should now see your ring devices appear in the ‘Home’ app.