Python Await Async Tutorial with Real Examples and Simple Explanations
Learn how to use the advanced features of Python, specifically the await and async methods, to make your programs faster and more efficient. This tutorial focuses on Python 3.7 and describes the diffe...
Redis client-side cache with async Python
Redis is a powerful and fast storage for caching in modern applications. With the release of Redis 6.0, a new feature called client-side caching was introduced, enabling users to keep a copy of cache ...
Python Asynchronous Programming Fundamentals
Python introduced asynchronous programming capabilities in version 3.4 in 2014, with further notable improvements in almost every minor version since. This article aims to elucidate the fundamental co...
Graceful Termination with Modern .NET
This article discusses the importance of graceful termination in Kubernetes pods and explores various ways to handle graceful termination in .NET 6 and ASP.NET Core 6.0. It covers preStop hooks and ob...
The 2023 Python Developer Roadmap
Looking to become a Python developer? This article offers a roadmap to help you get started. Learn Python programming language, essential Python tools, and frameworks for web development, data science...
Spark Tips. Partition Tuning
Clusters will not be fully utilized unless you set the level of parallelism for each operation high enough. In this blog post, the author provides tips and optimization methods that help achieve high ...
Implementing Latest Tech and Architecture for Distributed Systems with .NET
This project aims to implement an infrastructure for up-and-running distributed systems with the latest technology and architecture like Vertical Slice Architecture, Event Sourcing, CQRS, DDD, gRPC, M...
Handle Python versions and virtualenv like a pro!
Learn how to handle virtualenv and Python versions like a pro, including on Apple M1 silicon, with pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper. This blog post covers installation and navigation thr...
Simple Result Type for Python 3 inspired by Rust - Fully Type Annotated
The package provides a Result type for Python 3 inspired by Rust. The idea is that a result value can be either Ok(value) or Err(error), with a way to differentiate between the two. The package encaps...
.NET Big-O Algorithm Complexity Cheat Sheet
This JSON structure contains information about the .NET Big-O Algorithm Complexity Cheat Sheet. The cheat sheet displays the time and space complexities of common algorithms used in .NET and computer ...
Roadmap to becoming an ASP.NET Core developer in 2023
GitHub - MoienTajik/AspNetCore-Developer-Roadmap: Roadmap to becoming an ASP.NET Core developer in 2023. This repository provides a comprehensive roadmap for developers who aim to become an ASP.NET Co...
Optimizing React Apps: Achieving Faster UI Rendering with Memoization
React has optimization at its core, but large applications can still run into performance issues. Memoization is an optimization technique that caches the result of a function and returns the cached v...
Modelling Workflows With Finite State Machines in .NET
In this article, Lloyd Atkinson explains how modelling workflows with finite state machines can help simplify complex workflows in .NET. He introduces the concept of finite state machines and provides...
Mermaid Cheat Sheet | Algorithm, Data Structure, Programming, and More
This Mermaid Cheat Sheet is a comprehensive guide that covers various topics related to algorithm, data structure, programming, dev environment, and more. It includes overviews, examples and practice ...
Upload Large Files in C#
Uploading files in web frameworks and programming languages is usually simple until the files are large or multiple files are uploaded simultaneously. This can cause memory usage and bottleneck concer...
Parse Markdown Front Matter With C#
Learn how to parse YAML front matter with C# in this blog post by Khalid Abuhakmeh. YAML is tricky syntax that promotes itself as a human-friendly data serialization standard for all programming langu...
Stream Your Database Changes with Change Data Capture
Change Data Capture (CDC) is a process that allows an application to listen for changes to a data store and respond to those events. In this multi-part series on Change Data Capture, we are going to d...
Controlling the Serial and Parallel Test on XUnit
My Project requires both Serial and Parallel test execution on a project. I’d like to know how to handle this situation. A collection is the unit of tests. The tests that are in the same collection, i...
Excluding Your .NET Test Project From Code Coverage
This article discusses a code snippet that can be used to exclude .NET test projects from code coverage metrics collection. The author explains that they use an extension to receive feedback on their ...
Supporting integration tests with WebApplicationFactory in .NET 6
In this post, Andrew Lock dives into exploring .NET 6 and discusses how to support integration tests with WebApplicationFactory. WebApplicationFactory and HostFactoryResolver class are two powerful to...